Asynchronous Generator Functions

Jafar Husain recently asked the ECMAScript committee, whether generator functions and async functions were composable, and if so, how they should compose. (His proposal continues to evolve.)

One key question is what type an async generator function would return. We look to precedent. A generator function returns an iterator. A asynchronous function returns a promise. Should the asynchronous generator return a promise for an iterator, an iterator for promises?

If Iterator<T> means that an iterator implements next such that it produces Iteration<T>, the next method of an Iterator<Promise<T>> would return an Iteration<Promise<T>>, which is to say, iterations that carry promises for values.

There is another possibility. An asynchronous iterator might implement next such that it produces Promise<Iteration<T>> rather than Iteration<Promise<T>>. That is to say, a promise that would eventually produce an iteration containing a value, rather than an iteration that contains a promise for a value.

This is, an iterator of promises, yielding Iteration<Promise<T>>:

var iteration =;
iteration.value.then(function (value) {
    return, value);

This is a promise iterator, yielding Promise<Iteration<T>>:
.then(function (iteration) {
    return, iteration.value);

Promises capture asynchronous results. That is, they capture both the value and error cases. If next returns a promise, the error case would model abnormal termination of a sequence. Iterations capture the normal continuation or termination of a sequence. If the value of an iteration were a promise, the error case would capture inability to transport a single value but would not imply termination of the sequence.

In the context of this framework, the answer is clear. An asynchronous generator function uses both await and yield. The await term allows the function to idle until some asynchronous work has settled, and the yield allows the function to produce a value. An asynchronous generator returns a promise iterator, the output side of a stream.

Recall that an iterator returns an iteration, but a promise iterator returns a promise for an iteration, and also a promise generator returns a similar promise for the acknowledgement from the iterator.
.then(function (iteration) {
    if (iteration.done) {

.then(function (iteration) {
    console.log("iterator has consumed alpha");

The following example will fetch quotes from the works of Shakespeare, retrieve quotes from each work, and push those quotes out to the consumer. Note that the yield expression returns a promise for the value to flush, so awaiting on that promise allows the generator to pause until the consumer catches up.

async function *shakespeare(titles) {
    for (let title of titles) {
        var quotes = await getQuotes(title);
        for (let quote of quotes) {
            await yield quote;

var reader = shakespeare(["Hamlet", "Macbeth", "Othello"]);
reader.reduce(function (length, quote) {
    return length + quote.length;
}, 0, null, 100)
.then(function (totalLength) {

It is useful for await and yield to be completely orthogonal because there are cases where one will want to yield but ignore pressure from the consumer, forcing the iteration to buffer.

Jafar also proposes the existence of an on operator. In the context of this framework, the on operator would be similar to the ECMAScript 6 of operator, which accepts an iterable, produces an iterator, and then walks the iterator.

for (let a of [1, 2, 3]) {

// is equivalent to:

var anIterable = [1, 2, 3];
var anIterator = anIterable[Symbol.iterate]();
while (true) {
    let anIteration =;
    if (anIteration.done) {
    } else {
        var aValue = anIteration.value;

The on operator would operate on an asynchronous iterable, producing an asynchronous iterator, and await each promised iteration. Look for the await in the following example.

for (let a on anAsyncIterable) {

// is equivalent to:

var anAsyncIterator = anAsyncIterable[Symbol.iterate]();
while (true) {
    var anAsyncIteration =;
    var anIteration = await anAsyncIteration;
    if (anIteration.done) {
    } else {
        var aValue = anIteration.value;

One point of interest is that the on operator would work for both asynchronous and synchronous iterators and iterables, since await accepts both values and promises.

Jafar proposes that the asynchronous analogues of iterate() would be observe(generator), from which it is trivial to derrive forEach, but I propose that the asynchronous analogues of iterate() would just be iterate() and differ only in the type of the returned iterator. What Jafar proposes as the asyncIterator.observe(asyncGenerator) method is effectively equivalent to synchronous iterator.copy(generator) or stream.pipe(stream). In this framework, copy would be implemented in terms of forEach.

Stream.prototype.copy = function (stream) {
    return this.forEach(, stream.throw);

And, forEach would be implemented in terms of next, just as it would be layered on a synchronous iterator.

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